The "Carbine" Drill with Target Elements™

Target Elements™ - Born on the range.

Get proper training before attempting this drill. The safe execution of this or any other drill is dependent on the shooter as well as the range conditions. Verify and double check safety before firing in ALL cases.

This drill provided by Man Alone Tactical, known for their carbine instruction and have been featured twice in carbine articles over the past two and a half years in SWAT Magazine, the most prestigious of the firearms publications.

As you can see, this target is rigged up a bit differently. This is designed for the AR-15 carbine. You can shoot it with other weapons, but the learning points are designed around the AR-15/M-4 weapon system.

 Set a target up as shown, colors/numbers are unimportant. Please note that there are the two vital areas on the terrorist portion of the target marked, and eight applied Elements off the body. The bottom element in each of the three off body zones represents the head of a hostage taker. I know, you're used to seeing the bad guys standing taller, and clearly behind the hostage. In case you don't know, that only happens in the movies. These are smart terrorists and are only showing a bit of their head perhaps in the small of the neck of the hostage. The starting distance for this drill is five yards. We are going to work site offset. Load five magazines to ten round each.

Taking the top left target as an example, in order to shoot the green 'terrorist' element, your sights are going to be indexed on the hostage. For you pro AR users this is a real confidence builder. There is no harder shot to take than the one with a G2 (Good Guy) in your sights. Index on the yellow, shoot the green. (This will make no sense to you non AR shooters).

Green, two rounds, move to the little Element on the left, index on the green above it and shoot the little box. Move to the upper right corner and shoot the small box indexing on the orange above it. Two rounds to the body indexing on the scarf above then two rounds to the head indexing appropriately on the nose above the element. Reload and start over at the fifteen yard line. You sight offset changes, master it. Go to the ten and do it again. Move to the three yard line, repeat drill, (yes, gunfights do happen at this distance). Go back to the fifteen, repeat.

Set it up again. This time you are shooting the next element up from the original starting at the fifteen. Repeat the entire drill: note, there was nothing to index to on the left top yellow. That is the idea. For this next series you will be scrambling to find an index point. This can really happen and this is good practice.

Set it up gain and shoot the top box throughout. This is a good drill to tape what is out, reapply Elements and shoot it again. Sight offset is one of the toughest skills to master on the AR.

When you run dry transition to pistol shooting torso and head only..

Do this alternately up and on a knee..

Stagger the number of rounds in the mags (even better if a friend does this for you so you don't know the count), hopefully forcing an emergency reload.

Target Elements™ In Action

On the range with Man Alone Tactical