About Target Elements™

We dislike being critical, but the standard scoring areas for ′people′ targets are flawed in many ways. The concentric rings are forgivingly sized, forcing little intent on a shooting session, the center of mass X has no relationship with an area known to stop an aggressor, and the generously sized head area allows the shooter to score a shot that might do little more brain damage than erase an unpleasant childhood memory.

 Unable to find suitable targets we have used everything from yard sale price stickers and smiley faces to bulls eye rifle pasties to enhance our targets. Recently we have been using stickers made from peel and stick paper that was too curved for the printer to use. We designed our own multiple hit zone target.

Target Elements™ - A truly unique training tool.

For the longest time folks came and shot our Man Alone Tactical speed and precision targets and got our intent. They understood to such an extent that they would go home, want to repeat the drills and request some of our targets. We were honored, but by the time we get the targets printed and send them out they were cost prohibitive.

Finally, we have something that you can add to your routine to improve performance, Target Elements™, Our target enhancement Elements™ are a logical development of what we have been doing all along. Using our Elements™, you can easily construct your own speed and precision targets.

Extends the life of your paper targets.

Another great benifit to using our Elements™, extended target life. Instead of shooting a hole in the center of the target, you can set up multiple hit zones. You would be suprised at how along the targets last, and how much more the student gains.

Target Elements™ In Action

On the range with Man Alone Tactical